Proces-based language learning through arts in multilingual primary schools
How can you use arts education and active learning to ensure that learning content is better anchored for children who are often still struggling with Dutch as a school language? This question was the starting point for a unique collaboration at PXL University of Applied Sciences in 2014 between the departments of PXL-Education (teacher training), PXL-MAD School of Arts (visual arts) and PXL-Music (musicians). In collaboration with researchers and teacher trainers, students and experienced teachers in Limburg’s multilingual primary schools we designed workshops to teach non-Dutch-speaking newcomers the Dutch school language with music and visual arts. The project was given the name ‘taalCULTuur’ and started with a literature review in which the interfaces between language, image, drama, music and active learning were mapped out in the form of key concepts for the framework ‘taalCULTuur’. Interaction and collaboration are central in the artistic workshops. The children learn the school language with all their senses. The workshops and didactic tools were included in the book ‘Translated Imagination’ by authors Karen Reekmans, Catherine Roden and Kris Nauwelaerts (publisher Garant). The videos on this website illustrate how we focus on language acquisition through playful, interactive activities for arts education.

Action Painting
Leaving traces with music, movement and paint.
My recycled instrument
Creating and playing your recycled instrument.
The story of Sam
Digital storytelling on the theme ‘the emotions’.
Percussion orchestra
Making music with body percussion and personal graphic notation for the orchestra.
L’histoire de Sam
Early language learning French about the emotions linked to colour and movement.
Percussions corporelles
Apply the French vocabulary about the body parts with body percussion.